Vocab Priority

Although this is primarily directed towards the creation of conlangs, it is applicable to both conlangs and language learning. Slashes usually mean "in opposition to" and tildes mean "roughly equivalent to" - treat tildes like their own list. Parentheses indicate a category name and not a vocab word. Ordered lists indicate recommended order, but you can choose a different order to suit your needs and tastes. Unordered lists indicate that no word in the list is particularly more important than any other. Key:

  1. Learn at least 90% of the subcategories
  2. Learn at least 80% of the subcategories
  3. Learn at least 70% of the subcategories
  4. Learn at least 60% of the subcategories
  5. (No Symbol) Learn at least 50% of these
  6. Learn any

As you advance through the sections, try to fill out missing words from previous sections. Approximate size: ~750 Words. List:

  1. (pronouns)
  2. (determiners)
  3. people
  4. (basic polar adjectives)
    1. good/bad
    2. big/small~little
    3. fast/slow
    4. hot/cold
    5. tall/short
    6. long/short
    7. wide/narrow
    8. high/low
    9. deep/shallow
    10. old/young~new
    11. heavy/light
  5. (basic verbs)
    1. be
    2. do~make
    3. go
    4. have
    5. come
    6. give
    7. get~take
  7. (basic adverbs)
    1. not~no
    2. yes (or "really" &c.)
  8. (quantifiers)
  9. body parts
    1. (extremities)
      • arm
      • finger
      • fingernail
      • foot
      • hand
      • leg
      • thumb
      • toe
    2. head
      • beard
      • chin
      • ear
      • eye
      • face
      • mouth
        • cheek
        • jaw
        • lip
        • tongue
        • tooth
      • neck
      • nose
      • throat
    3. (material)
      • blood
      • bone
      • fat
      • flesh~meat~muscle
      • hair
      • nerve
      • skin
      • tear
    4. joints
      • ankle
      • elbow
      • hip
      • knee
      • knuckle
      • shoulder
      • wrist
    5. outside
      • back
      • belly
      • breast
      • thigh
    6. organs
      • bladder
      • brain
      • guts
      • heart
      • intestine
      • kidney
      • liver
      • lung
      • stomach
      • pancreas~sweetbread
  10. common animals
    1. utility
      • cat
      • dog
      • horse
    2. food
      • bird
      • chicken
      • cow
      • deer~elk~moose
      • goat
      • pig
      • sheep
    3. aquatic
      • clam/oyster
      • crab
      • fish
      • lobster
      • sponge
    4. predator
      • bear
      • fox
      • snake
      • wolf
    5. bugs
      • ant
      • bee
      • fly
      • louse
      • spider
      • worm
    6. animal products
      • egg
      • milk
      • wool
    7. animal parts
      • claw
      • feather
      • hoof
      • horn
      • tail
      • wing
    8. small furry things
      • bunny~hare~rabbit
      • mouse~rat
      • squirrel
  11. plants
    1. plant parts
      • bark
      • berry
      • branch~stick~twig
      • flower
        • rose
      • fruit
        • apple
        • olive
        • orange
      • leaf
      • nut
      • root
        • potato
      • seed
      • stem~trunk
      • stump
    2. plants
      • bush~shrub
      • grass
      • tree
        • beech
        • birch
        • cedar
        • oak
        • palm
        • pine
        • spruce
      • forest
  12. (intermediate verbs)
  13. (basic natural substances)
  14. sky, weather
    1. sun
    2. moon
    3. rain
    4. cloud
    5. snow
    6. wind
    7. ice
    8. star
    9. fog
    10. hail
  15. time
    1. day
    2. night
    3. (times of day)
      • morning
      • noon
      • afternoon
      • evening
      • nighttime
    4. (basic time units)
      1. day
      2. week
      3. month
      4. year
  16. (landmarks)
  17. (intermediate natural substances)
  18. (upper intermediate verbs)
  19. (basic prepositions)
    1. (locational)
      • at
      • in
      • off
      • on~upon
      • out
    2. (motive)
      • into
      • to
      • through
      • from
    3. (other)
      • for
      • of
      • than
      • with
  20. (basic abstractions)
  21. (basic nonpolar adjectives)
  22. (comparatives and superlatives)
  23. family
  24. language
  25. (conjunctions)
  26. (th- adverbs)
  27. (interrogative adverbs)
  28. basic numbers
    1. one
    2. two
    3. three
    4. four
    5. five
    6. six
    7. seven
    8. eight
    9. nine
    10. ten
    11. number
    12. zero
  29. colors
    1. white
    2. black
    3. red
    4. green
    5. yellow
    6. blue
    7. brown
    8. (other colors)
      • cyan
      • grey
      • orange
      • pink
      • purple
  30. (advanced verbs)
  31. (intermediate prepositions)
    1. (locational)
      • about~around~by
      • above~over
      • across~against
      • among~between
      • below~under
    2. (temporal)
      • after
      • before
      • until
  32. (intermediate nonpolar adjectives)
  33. (intermediate polar adjectives)
  34. (intermediate adverbs)
  35. (directional adverbs)
  36. (temporal adverbs)
    1. today
    2. yesterday
    3. tomorrow
    4. (extra days)
      • ereyesterday~day before yesterday
      • overmorrow~day after tomorrow
  37. basic natural objects
  38. (violence verbs)
  39. basic hand tools
  40. basic shapes
  41. Objects I
  42. basic vehicles
  44. (advanced polar adjectives)
  45. food
  46. clothes
  47. furniture, decorations, and parts of buildings and furniture
  48. (types of people)
  49. intermediate animals
  50. basic metals
    1. copper
    2. tin
    3. bronze
    4. zinc
    5. brass
    6. iron
    7. lead
    8. steel
    9. gold
    10. silver
  51. intermediate hand tools
  52. grammar and linguistics
  53. of civilizations
  54. Objects II
  55. buildings, rooms, and places
  56. Objects III
  57. Objects IV
  58. education and science
  59. (advanced adjectives)
  60. intermediate metals
    1. aluminum
    2. antimony
    3. nickel
    4. platinum
    5. tungsten
  61. Objects V
  62. intermediate vehicles
  63. advanced metals
    1. uranium
    2. plutonium