Writing English with Chinese

漢字 - "Hanletter" [ˈhɑn.lɛ.ɾɝ]

Will explain more soon. For simplicity's sake, we will call symbols like 日本 "Chinese" and symbols like LATIN "Latin". Chinese is used for things like the roots of nouns and verbs and Latin is used for everything else.

Rules: Example into:
一石 "Einstein" - from probably rare "German" readings, eg:
轟鬼 "poltergeist"
害歡 "schadenfreude"
時鬼 "zeitgeist"

Example out of:
日本 "Sunroot" - now Japan sounds like some weird herb! Alternatively, |日本 would be Solaradix and ||日本 would be Heliorhizon, which both sound pretty cool.
刀 "Knife" - Katana don't sound as badass now...
侍 "Serve" - ...nor do Samurai!
中國 "Middle Kingdom" - China seems to fare better, however.

Some Asian Cities: Example definitions:

English /wʌn/, /oʊn/ one, on- "一ly" "only" once
English (Alt) /fəɹst/ first "一ly" "firstly" ...
Romance /jun/ un- "|一ity" "unity" unitary
Romance (Alt) /pɹaɪ̯m/ prim(e)- "|一ary" "primary" primogeniture, primordial
Romance (Alt 2) /sɪm.pəl/ simpl- "|一ify" "simplify" simply
Romance (Alt 3) /sɪŋ.ɡəl/, /sɪŋ.ɡju.l/ single, singul- "|一ar" "singular" singularity, singularize
Greek /mɒn(.ə)/ mon(o)- "||一字" "monogram" monarch, monopoly
Greek (Alt) /pɹoʊ.toʊ/ prot(o)- "||一agonist" "protagonist" prototype
Greek (Alt 2) /hɛn/ hen- "||一角" "henagon" ...

English /tu/, /tw/ tw(o)- "二ice" "twice" twelve, twenty
Romance /du/ du- "|二al" "dual" duality, duel
Romance (Alt) /sɛk.ənd/ second- "|二ary" "secondary" ...
Romance (Alt 2) /dʌ.bəl/, /dup.l/ double, dupl- "|二icate" "duplicate" duplex
Romance (Alt 3) /baɪ̯(n)/ bi(n)- "|二ary" "binary" bisexual
Greek /du.təɹ(.ɒ)/ deuter(o)- "||二名" "Deuteronomy" deuterium

English /θɹi/, /θɹaɪ̯/, /θəɹ/ three, thri-, thir- "三d" "third" trice, thirteen, thirty
Romance /təɹʃi/ terti- "|三ary" "tertiary" ...
Romance (Alt) /trɪp.l/ tripl- "|三icate" "triplicate" ...
Romance (Alt 2) /tɝn/ tern- "|三ary" "ternary" ...
Greek /tɹɪ/, /tɹaɪ̯/ tri- "||三角量" "Trigonometry" triptych

English /foɹ/ four- "四th" "fourth" fourteen, fourty
Romance /kwɒd.ɹ/ quadr- "|四角" "quadrangle" quadruceps, quadrillion
Greek /tɛ.tɹə/, /tɛ.sə.ɹæ/ tetr-, tessera- "||四ct" "tesseract" tetropod, tessellate

English /faɪv/, /fɪf/ five, fif- "五th" "fifth" fifteen, fifty
Romance /kwɪn/ quin- "|五tuple" "quintuple" quintillion, quincunx
Greek /pɛn.tə/ penta- "||五角" "pentagon" pentagram, pentarchy, Pentateuch

English /taʊn/, /tən/ -town, -ton "新鎮" "Newton" townsfolk
Romance /sɪ.ti/, /sɪ.vɪ/ city, civi- "|鎮lization" "civilization" cityscape, civility, civic
Romance (Alt) /vɪl/ vill- "|鎮age" "village" villa
Greek /pɒ.lɪ(s/t)/ poli(s/c/t)- "||鎮ics" "politics" policy, police

English /bəɹ.oʊ/, /bəɹ.i/, /bəɹg/ -boro, -borough, -burgh, -bury, -burg, etc... "canter城" "Canterbury" ...
Romance /əɹb/ urb- "|城an" "urban" suburb
Greek - - - - -

English /tɹed/ trade "市er" "trader" ...
Romance /mər.(k/tʃ/s)/, /maɹ.k/ merc(h)-, mark- "|市antile" "mercantile" commerce, market, merchandise
Greek /ɛm.pɔɹ/ empor- "||市ium" "emporium" ...

English /naɪf/ knife ... ... ...
Romance /koʊl.təɹ/, /kʌt.ləɹ/ colter, cutler- "|刀y" "cutlery" ...
Greek - - - - -

English /ɹaɪt/ writ(e)- "写ing" "writing" writer
Romance /skɹaɪb/, /skɹɪpt/ scrib-, script- "|裡写ion" "inscription" circumscribe, describe, description, inscribe, scripture
Greek /ɡɹæf/ graph- "||假上写y" "pseudoepigraphy" graphite

English /æ.pəl/ apple ... applecart Adam's apple
Romance /pɑm(ᵻ)/ pom(m)e- "|苹种ate" "pomegranate" ...
Greek /mɛ.lən/ melon "水||苹" "watermelon" muskmelon

English /wɑ.tɚ/ water "水鳥" waterfowl stillwater, watercraft, watercress, watersports
Romance /ə.kwɑ/ aqua "|水tic" "aquatic" Aquarius, aqueduct
Greek /haɪ.dɹo/ hydro- "||水愛ic" "hydrophilic" hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrophobic

English /sʌn/ sun "日舞" "sundance" sunbeam, Sunday, sunny
English (Alt) /de/ day "日日" "Sunday" today, yesterday
Romance /sol/ sol- "|日ar" "solar" solarium
Romance (Alt) /di(.ɛ)/ di(e)- "|日urnal" "diurnal" hodiernal
Greek /hi.li.o/ helio- "||日点ic" "heliocentric" aphelion, perihelion
Greek (alt) /hɛ.məɹ/ hemer- "||日al" "hemeral" ephemeral

English /mɔɹn/ morn "朝ing" "morning" ...
English (alt) /mɔɹoʊ/ morrow "to朝" "tomorrow" overmorrow
Romance - - - - -
Greek - - - - -

English /tɹi/ tree ... ... treehugger
Romance /ɑɹ.boɹ/ arbor- "|木eal" "arboreal" arboretum
Greek /dɛn.dɹ/ dendr- "||木logy" "dendrology" dendrite, dendrochronology

English /ɹut/ root ... ... ...
Romance /ɹæ.dɪk/ radix, radic- "|本al" "radical" radicand
Greek /ɹaɪz/ rhiz- "||本ome" "rhizome" Rhizaria

English /mæn/ man "人hood" "manhood" manmade, fireman, salesman...
Romance /hom/ hom- "|人icide"" "homicide" ...
Greek /æn.θɹo.p/ anthrop- "||人logy" "anthropology" anthropomorphic, lycanthrope, misanthrope, philanthropy...

面具 - fix

English /mæsk/ mask/masque 面具rade "masquerade" ...
Romance /pəɹ.sən/ person- "|面具" "person" persona, personal, personality
Greek - - - - -

English /wɛɹ/ were- "男狼" "werewolf" weregild
Romance /mæs/, /mɛɹ/ mas-, mar- "|男culine"" "masculine" male1, marital2, marriage2
Romance (Alt) /viɹ/ vir- "|男ile"" "virile" ...
Greek /æn.dɹo/ andro- "||男id" "android" androgyny, andropause, misandry...
1 - From the French mâle, from la. masculus.
2 - The r comes from the plural of la. mas, mares.

English /waɪf/, /wʊ/ wife, wo- "女人" "woman" drama queen, dag queen, ex-wife, housewife, midwife
Romance /fɛ.mɪn/ femin- "|女ine"" "feminine" effeminate, feminism, female1
Greek /ɡaɪ.nə/, /ɡaɪ.nə.kɑ/ gyno-, gyneco- "||女logy" "gynecology" ...
1 - From the French femelle, from la. femella.

English /kwiːn/ queen "拖妻" "drag queen" drama queen
Romance /ʌkˈsɔː.ɹ/ uxor- "|妻ial"" "uxorial" ...
Greek /ˈsɪz.ɪdʒ.i/ syzygy ... ... ...
No word for husband. Husband is expressed house+bond.

English /kɪŋ/ king "王ly" "kingly" kingdom
Romance /rɔɪ/,
/ɹiˈɡ/, /ɹəˈɡ/
"|王alia"" "regalia" royal, regal, reign, interregnum
Greek /ˈbeɪz.əl/, /bəˈsɪl/ basil- "||王ica" "basilica" basileiolatry

English /fʊt/ foot, feet "止" "foot" footlong, footpath, footstep
Romance /pɛd/ ped- "|止estrian"" "pedestrian" ...
Greek /pʊs/, /poʊd/ -pus,-pod "||三||止" "tripod" octopus