Will explain more soon. For simplicity's sake, we will call symbols like 日本 "Chinese" and symbols like LATIN "Latin". Chinese is used for things like the roots of nouns and verbs and Latin is used for everything else.
Rules:English | /wʌn/, /oʊn/ | one, on- | "一ly" | "only" | once |
English (Alt) | /fəɹst/ | first | "一ly" | "firstly" | ... |
Romance | /jun/ | un- | "|一ity" | "unity" | unitary |
Romance (Alt) | /pɹaɪ̯m/ | prim(e)- | "|一ary" | "primary" | primogeniture, primordial |
Romance (Alt 2) | /sɪm.pəl/ | simpl- | "|一ify" | "simplify" | simply |
Romance (Alt 3) | /sɪŋ.ɡəl/, /sɪŋ.ɡju.l/ | single, singul- | "|一ar" | "singular" | singularity, singularize |
Greek | /mɒn(.ə)/ | mon(o)- | "||一字" | "monogram" | monarch, monopoly |
Greek (Alt) | /pɹoʊ.toʊ/ | prot(o)- | "||一agonist" | "protagonist" | prototype |
Greek (Alt 2) | /hɛn/ | hen- | "||一角" | "henagon" | ... |
English | /tu/, /tw/ | tw(o)- | "二ice" | "twice" | twelve, twenty |
Romance | /du/ | du- | "|二al" | "dual" | duality, duel |
Romance (Alt) | /sɛk.ənd/ | second- | "|二ary" | "secondary" | ... |
Romance (Alt 2) | /dʌ.bəl/, /dup.l/ | double, dupl- | "|二icate" | "duplicate" | duplex |
Romance (Alt 3) | /baɪ̯(n)/ | bi(n)- | "|二ary" | "binary" | bisexual |
Greek | /du.təɹ(.ɒ)/ | deuter(o)- | "||二名" | "Deuteronomy" | deuterium |
English | /θɹi/, /θɹaɪ̯/, /θəɹ/ | three, thri-, thir- | "三d" | "third" | trice, thirteen, thirty |
Romance | /təɹʃi/ | terti- | "|三ary" | "tertiary" | ... |
Romance (Alt) | /trɪp.l/ | tripl- | "|三icate" | "triplicate" | ... |
Romance (Alt 2) | /tɝn/ | tern- | "|三ary" | "ternary" | ... |
Greek | /tɹɪ/, /tɹaɪ̯/ | tri- | "||三角量" | "Trigonometry" | triptych |
English | /foɹ/ | four- | "四th" | "fourth" | fourteen, fourty |
Romance | /kwɒd.ɹ/ | quadr- | "|四角" | "quadrangle" | quadruceps, quadrillion |
Greek | /tɛ.tɹə/, /tɛ.sə.ɹæ/ | tetr-, tessera- | "||四ct" | "tesseract" | tetropod, tessellate |
English | /faɪv/, /fɪf/ | five, fif- | "五th" | "fifth" | fifteen, fifty |
Romance | /kwɪn/ | quin- | "|五tuple" | "quintuple" | quintillion, quincunx |
Greek | /pɛn.tə/ | penta- | "||五角" | "pentagon" | pentagram, pentarchy, Pentateuch |
English | /taʊn/, /tən/ | -town, -ton | "新鎮" | "Newton" | townsfolk |
Romance | /sɪ.ti/, /sɪ.vɪ/ | city, civi- | "|鎮lization" | "civilization" | cityscape, civility, civic |
Romance (Alt) | /vɪl/ | vill- | "|鎮age" | "village" | villa |
Greek | /pɒ.lɪ(s/t)/ | poli(s/c/t)- | "||鎮ics" | "politics" | policy, police |
English | /bəɹ.oʊ/, /bəɹ.i/, /bəɹg/ | -boro, -borough, -burgh, -bury, -burg, etc... | "canter城" | "Canterbury" | ... |
Romance | /əɹb/ | urb- | "|城an" | "urban" | suburb |
Greek | - | - | - | - | - |
English | /tɹed/ | trade | "市er" | "trader" | ... |
Romance | /mər.(k/tʃ/s)/, /maɹ.k/ | merc(h)-, mark- | "|市antile" | "mercantile" | commerce, market, merchandise |
Greek | /ɛm.pɔɹ/ | empor- | "||市ium" | "emporium" | ... |
English | /naɪf/ | knife | ... | ... | ... |
Romance | /koʊl.təɹ/, /kʌt.ləɹ/ | colter, cutler- | "|刀y" | "cutlery" | ... |
Greek | - | - | - | - | - |
English | /ɹaɪt/ | writ(e)- | "写ing" | "writing" | writer |
Romance | /skɹaɪb/, /skɹɪpt/ | scrib-, script- | "|裡写ion" | "inscription" | circumscribe, describe, description, inscribe, scripture |
Greek | /ɡɹæf/ | graph- | "||假上写y" | "pseudoepigraphy" | graphite |
English | /æ.pəl/ | apple | ... | applecart | Adam's apple |
Romance | /pɑm(ᵻ)/ | pom(m)e- | "|苹种ate" | "pomegranate" | ... |
Greek | /mɛ.lən/ | melon | "水||苹" | "watermelon" | muskmelon |
English | /wɑ.tɚ/ | water | "水鳥" | waterfowl | stillwater, watercraft, watercress, watersports |
Romance | /ə.kwɑ/ | aqua | "|水tic" | "aquatic" | Aquarius, aqueduct |
Greek | /haɪ.dɹo/ | hydro- | "||水愛ic" | "hydrophilic" | hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrophobic |
English | /sʌn/ | sun | "日舞" | "sundance" | sunbeam, Sunday, sunny |
English (Alt) | /de/ | day | "日日" | "Sunday" | today, yesterday |
Romance | /sol/ | sol- | "|日ar" | "solar" | solarium |
Romance (Alt) | /di(.ɛ)/ | di(e)- | "|日urnal" | "diurnal" | hodiernal |
Greek | /hi.li.o/ | helio- | "||日点ic" | "heliocentric" | aphelion, perihelion |
Greek (alt) | /hɛ.məɹ/ | hemer- | "||日al" | "hemeral" | ephemeral |
English | /mɔɹn/ | morn | "朝ing" | "morning" | ... |
English (alt) | /mɔɹoʊ/ | morrow | "to朝" | "tomorrow" | overmorrow |
Romance | - | - | - | - | - |
Greek | - | - | - | - | - |
English | /tɹi/ | tree | ... | ... | treehugger |
Romance | /ɑɹ.boɹ/ | arbor- | "|木eal" | "arboreal" | arboretum |
Greek | /dɛn.dɹ/ | dendr- | "||木logy" | "dendrology" | dendrite, dendrochronology |
English | /ɹut/ | root | ... | ... | ... |
Romance | /ɹæ.dɪk/ | radix, radic- | "|本al" | "radical" | radicand |
Greek | /ɹaɪz/ | rhiz- | "||本ome" | "rhizome" | Rhizaria |
English | /mæn/ | man | "人hood" | "manhood" | manmade, fireman, salesman... |
Romance | /hom/ | hom- | "|人icide"" | "homicide" | ... |
Greek | /æn.θɹo.p/ | anthrop- | "||人logy" | "anthropology" | anthropomorphic, lycanthrope, misanthrope, philanthropy... |
English | /mæsk/ | mask/masque | 面具rade | "masquerade" | ... |
Romance | /pəɹ.sən/ | person- | "|面具" | "person" | persona, personal, personality |
Greek | - | - | - | - | - |
English | /wɛɹ/ | were- | "男狼" | "werewolf" | weregild |
Romance | /mæs/, /mɛɹ/ | mas-, mar- | "|男culine"" | "masculine" | male1, marital2, marriage2 |
Romance (Alt) | /viɹ/ | vir- | "|男ile"" | "virile" | ... |
Greek | /æn.dɹo/ | andro- | "||男id" | "android" | androgyny, andropause, misandry... |
English | /waɪf/, /wʊ/ | wife, wo- | "女人" | "woman" | drama queen, dag queen, ex-wife, housewife, midwife |
Romance | /fɛ.mɪn/ | femin- | "|女ine"" | "feminine" | effeminate, feminism, female1 |
Greek | /ɡaɪ.nə/, /ɡaɪ.nə.kɑ/ | gyno-, gyneco- | "||女logy" | "gynecology" | ... |
English | /kwiːn/ | queen | "拖妻" | "drag queen" | drama queen |
Romance | /ʌkˈsɔː.ɹ/ | uxor- | "|妻ial"" | "uxorial" | ... |
Greek | /ˈsɪz.ɪdʒ.i/ | syzygy | ... | ... | ... |
English | /kɪŋ/ | king | "王ly" | "kingly" | kingdom |
Romance | /rɔɪ/, /ɹiˈɡ/, /ɹəˈɡ/ |
roy-, reg- |
"|王alia"" | "regalia" | royal, regal, reign, interregnum |
Greek | /ˈbeɪz.əl/, /bəˈsɪl/ | basil- | "||王ica" | "basilica" | basileiolatry |
English | /fʊt/ | foot, feet | "止" | "foot" | footlong, footpath, footstep |
Romance | /pɛd/ | ped- | "|止estrian"" | "pedestrian" | ... |
Greek | /pʊs/, /poʊd/ | -pus,-pod | "||三||止" | "tripod" | octopus |