Circular History
Here is a list of all cyclical models of history, or comparisons between past and present histories.
In parentheses, I also note the approximate length of the hypothesized cycle.
Ordered by length.
- Kondratiev Wave - Cycle of economic growth and stagnation (4-cycle 45-60 years)
- Strauss–Howe generational theory - (4-cycle, 71-110 years)
- You can tell this is BS since it groups Millennials with the GI Generation under the 'Hero' archetype - hah!
- Dynastic Cycle - Mandate of Heaven and the rise and fall of Chinese dynasties (11-cycle 14-554 years)
- American Empire - Comparison of America to the rise and fall of Rome (1-cycle c. few centuries)
- Written in 2003 - None of the three predicted parallels came to pass, so maybe there's hope?
- Alternatively - You have a century and a half before worrying about becoming a dictatorship, so plan accordingly
- Bond Events - Periods of global cooling (2-cycle, c. 1500 years)
- Morphological Typology Cycle - (3-cycle, c. few millennia)
- Extinction Cycle - (2-cycle, 26-30 Million Years)
- Supercontinent Cycle - (3-cycle, 300-500 Million Years)