Nikki Government

The Nikki government is a federal syndicalist technocracy. In thematic terms, it is midway between a eutopia and a dystopia - this sometimes called a benevolent dictatorship, but here I'll call it an amphitopia. In practical terms, issues are grouped by theme into pools, which people of corresponding degrees or special voting licenses vote on. For example, a provincial infrastructure pool is voted on locals with degrees or voting licenses related to economics and engineering.


At all levels of government, fields elect members to represent their fields. This group of members corresponds to the powers of the legislative and executive branches of the American government, and is called the assembly. The various groups act as the judicial branch for their respective issues. While political parties are not illegal, they are de facto nonexistent for most groups, with the notable exceptions of the general population. In general, ties in assemblies are resolved by seniority if a recount is undesirable.


The local Assembly decides what groups may vote on an issue, and which issues are to be voted on. Residents who are part of these groups may then vote on the issue. There are three levels of government: National, Provincial, and City. Only those in the city can vote on city issues, and likewise for provincial and national issues. Members of the Assembly are appointed for life, but may be recalled if a majority of both the assembly and the group they represent vote for their removal. This process may only, however, be initiated by the Assembly.

Benevolent Dictatorship

A pool is the collection of all issues a combination of groups can vote on.
A voting license is a license given to someone without degree or certification who has nevertheless demonstrated competency in a particular field.

Federal Government of the United States
An assembly is the group of experts elected by their group to represent their field.

Bills and Referenda
