Natural Language Calculator

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Reading Word 0
Stack: []
MoCalc rev 1.2


-fold multiply top of stack by n
a one
ace one
all sum
also plus
an one
and plus
baker's multiply top of stack by 13/12
banker's multiply top of stack by 11/12
billion push 1,000,000,000 to stack
by times
cent divide top of stack by 100
couple doubled
decimated decimate top of stack
deuce two
divides equivalent to (mod x y)==0
doubled double top of stack
dozen multiply top of stack by 12
drop delete any instance of the last element from the stack
dust zero
e push e to stack
eight push 8 to stack
eighteen push 18 to stack
eleven push 11 to stack
eleventy push 110 to stack
equals equivalent to x==y
false zero
fewer minus
fifteen push 15 to stack
five push 5 to stack
four push 4 to stack
fourteen push 14 to stack
from pop top two values; push their difference
(in reverse order of minus)
grand multiply top of stack by 1,000
great dozen
gross multiply top of stack by 144
half push 1/2 to stack
halve halved
halved halve top of stack
hundred push 100 to stack
in over
into over
is equals
isn't equivalent to x!=y
less minus
long multiply top of stack by 6/5,
or by 13/12 if divisible by twelve
mil divide top of stack by 1000
million push 1,000,000 to stack
minus pop top two values; push their difference
mod pop top two values; push their modulo
modulo mod
more plus
myriad push 10,000 to stack
negated negate top of stack
negative negated
nine push 9 to stack
niner nine
nineteen push 19 to stack
not pop top value; push 1 if 0, and 0 otherwise
nothing zero
of times
on plus
once multiply top of stack by one
one push 1 to stack
onto plus
over pop top two values; push their quotient
pair doubled
pi push pi to stack
plus pop top two values; push their sum
pop pop the last element from the stack
quarter push 1/4 to stack
quartered quarter top of stack
root pop top two values; push ath root of b
score multiply top of stack by 20
seven push 7 to stack
seventeen push 17 to stack
short multiply top of stack by 5/6
six push 6 to stack
sixteen push 16 to stack
small short
squared square top of stack
summed sum stack
surd root
ten push 10 to stack
that's equals
thousand push 1,000 to stack
three push 3 to stack
thirteen push 13 to stack
thrice multiply top of stack by thrice
times pop top two values; push their product
to over
too plus
trillion push 1,000,000,000,000 to stack
tripled triple top of stack
true one
twain two
twelfty push 120 to stack
twelve push 12 to stack
twenty push 20 to stack
twice multiply top of stack by two
unity one
two push 2 to stack


... is zero!

half of twain dozen,
a couple pairs less,
quartered, less two

... is nine squared, and not a bit more!

a dozen, a gross, a score,
two thrice more,
summed over seven,
eleven fivefold more