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Selection ID
Zoom: au

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Welcome to the Space Game! You are an officer of Terra Nova, a business specializing in the colonization of new worlds.

You have been sent to this system, at coordinates 123xyz. A probe surveyed this system and thinks it has promise. Worlds highlighted in green were indicated by the survey as especially viable. It will take many years - maybe even generations - but one of these worlds may just be home to one million from Terra.

Strike the earth! There is no time to waste - carefully evaluate all possible targets, and select one for colonization. Then, confirm your selection in Quests. Instructions will follow...

    Ships Required:

      1. characters with souls
      2. add event progress/completion
      3. more quests
      4. more events
      5. buildings
      6. politics
      7. dynasties
      • Save Game
      • Autosave interval: second(s)
      • User health warning interval: (0 to disable) hour(s)
      • FPS
      • Use for icons.
      • Use selection style.

      Danger Zone

      • Hard Reset

      Made by moki :3