Code Input
MOCHINE rev 191119a↓ MEMORY ↓
Mochine is a computationally universal programming language used to interface with Mocha's Machine.
# = number ? = string or number ! = specialchar All support use of * for machine state All support use of $ for pointer All support use of @ for value at pointer (shorthand) (operation) (description) 0 Arguments i INP : accept next line of input ! NOT : set value at pointer to 1 if 0, else 0 t TIM : set value at pointer to seconds since epoch 1 Argument :X : Label 'X'. Can also be used as comments and empty lines & AND ? : set value at pointer to argument if itself is 1, otherwise, return itself a APP ? : append string to value at pointer | IOR ? : set value at pointer to argument if itself is 0, otherwise, return itself l LEN ? : set value at pointer to the length of its argument as a string s MMS # : set machine state to itself plus argument m MOV # : set pointer to itself plus argument o OUT ? : output value to console r RPN ? : set value at pointer to itself plus the evaluation of the argument as RPN, comma pushes #s onto stack. Spaces ignored. Valid operators: + - x / % ^ ! ~ # [ ] | l L s S c C t T Valid truth operators: = ? < > Valid advanced operators: m M n N q Q ' " h Valid constants: e g p r R Valid GolfScript stack manipulation ops: \ ; . ( ) ^ XOR ? : set value at pointer to 0 if argument same as itself, else 1 2 Arguments j JJJ condition ? : jump to line if condition is true. Valid conditionals: = != < > <= >= l LET ! ? : set * or $ or @ to argument x SWP ! ! : swaps two specials ~~Pretty useless commands that also exist~~ Putting the 'fun' back into 'function'! 1 Argument FUN # : swap this line of code with the #-th line after this I2W # : set value at pointer to the English transcription of the argument IMG ? : output the image located at argument to console MID ? : Use with one of the following arguments: BRT Happy Birthday QUO ? : Use with one of the following arguments:SFX ? : Use with one of the following arguments:(Open List)
ALH Allahu Akbar! ANG Ain't nobody got time fo dat BAT I'm Batman BFL Das war ein befehl! BHS Boom Headshot! BTS Diabeetus BTW Bird's the Word BOS Balls of Steel BRL Do a Barrel Roll! BZG Bazinga! CMB Combo Breaker CTT Can't touch this DOH Doh DOI Do it DRK Hello darkness DUL It's time to d-d-d-d-duel! EAG EA Games: Challenge Everything FNH Finish Him FRD Fus Ro Dah! GAY Hah! Gaaaaaay! HHA Ha-Ha! HHH Haha hoho hihi hehe HLJ Hallelujah! IKU Silence! I kill you! ILT I like turtles JCN John Cena JDI Just do it! KHN Khaaaaan! LDL Leedle LEG My leg! LRJ Leeroy LSN Hey! Listen! LYN Why you always lyin LZR Lazor MGY I'm gay! MSF Mission Failed MSK I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! NGP No god please no NOM Omnomnom NOO Nooooooo! NOT Noot noot O66 Execute Order 66 OMY Oh myyyyyy! PKL Pickle Rick PNG Pingas PUS Grab 'em by the pussy PYT Frenchman Insults RDN Ridin dirty RRL Rick Roll SFU Shut the fuck up! SHU Shut up! SKR The ting goes skra SMF Surprise mothafucka STP It's time to stop! SWE Smoke weed every day TIS This is Sparta! TPL Oh baby a triple! TRL Trololo TRP It's a trap! TTR Tuturu! TWE That was easy UTN Utini! WED It is wednesday my dudes WLD Wubalubadubdub WLL Wololo WYP Watch your profanity YAA Yeah YEE Yee YES Yes! Yes!2 Arguments FRG #,? : replace the argument(s) in the code at line # with ? FSW #,# : swap the code at the specified lines 3 Arguments WAV #,#,? : soundzzzz 4 Arguments FAA #,#,#,# : replace the code from char #1 to char #2 with the code from char #3 to char #4.(Open List)
5NF FNAF Jumpscare APP Applause BEL Bell CRK Crickets DNG Ding DPH Dolphin DRM Drumroll JPD Jeopardy LNO Dun Dun LOS Losing Horn MLG MLG Horn NCP Inception PTY Party Horn QAK Quack RBX Roblox Death SFX SAD Sad Trombone SAX Sexy Sax SFL Seinfeld SHY Fluttersquee SWX Nintendo Switch TDA Tada SFX VLN Sad Violin VVZ Vuvuzela WHP Whip WKA Waka waka WLH Wilhelm scream WSL That Dramatic Whistle Thing XFL Illuminati XPE XP Error
Brainfuck | Mochine |
> | MOV 1 |
< | MOV -1 |
+ | RPN 1, |
- | RPN 1,~ |
. | INP |
, | OUT @ |
[ | :? |
] | JJJ @!=0 ? |
Brainflak | Mochine |
() | RPN 1, |
(n) | LET @ n MOV 1 |
[] | LET @ $ |
[n] | LET * 0 SWP @ * RPN *,- |
{} | LET * 0 SWP @ * MOV -1 |
<> | RPN 0, |
<n> |
Prints 1 without using any numbers.
RPN egg,] OUT @
Compressed: 7 bytes.
rg,] o@
A 'Hello, World!' program.
OUT Hello, world!
Compressed: 14 bytes.
oHello, world!
Adds the inputs
Compressed: 15 bytes.
i x@ * i r*, o@
Finds the nth triangular number.
INP RPN @,2,^2 SWP @ * RPN *,2,/ OUT @
Compressed: 24 bytes.
i r@,2,^2 x@ * r*,2,/ o@
Prints the current year.
TIM SWP @ * RPN *,31556952,/1970,+# OUT @
Compressed: 30 bytes.
t x@ * r*,31556952,/1970,+# o@
Bonus: prints 2018 without using any numbers.
LEN Written by Mocha~! LET * @ LEN I love using MOCHINE APP * OUT @
Prints the fibonacci numbers. All of them.
OUT 0 LET @ 1 OUT @ MOV 1 LET @ 1 :MAIN OUT @ LET * @ MOV -1 RPN *, OUT @ LET * @ MOV 1 RPN *, JJJ 1 MAIN
Compressed version. 54 bytes.
o0 =@ 1 o@ m1 =@ 1 o@ =* @ m-1 r*, o@ =* @ m1 r*, j1 5
Checks to see if input is Alice or Bob, and, if so, Greet them.
INP LET * Alice JJJ @=* 5 LET * Bob JJJ @!=* X LET @ Welcome, APP * OUT @ :X
Compressed: 54 bytes.
i =* Alice j@=* 5 =* Bob j@!=* X =@ Welcome, a* o@ :X
Checks whether input is a leap year or not. Includes compressed version (82 bytes).
INP LET * @ MOD 400 JJJ @=0 T LET @ * MOD 100 JJJ @=0 F LET @ * MOD 4 JJJ @!=0 F :T LET @ 1 JJJ 1 X :F LET @ 0 :X OUT @
i =* @ MOD 400 j@=0 10 =@ * MOD 100 j@=0 12 =@ * MOD 4 j@!=0 12 =@ 1 j1 13 =@ 0 o@
Does not terminate.
LET @ 0 RPN *,15,% JJJ @=0 XV LET @ 0 RPN *,5,% JJJ @=0 V LET @ 0 RPN *,3,% JJJ @=0 III OUT * :Z MMS 1 JJJ 1 0 :III OUT Fizz JJJ 1 Z :V OUT Buzz JJJ 1 Z :XV OUT FizzBuzz JJJ 1 Z
Compressed: 111 bytes.
=@ 0 r*,15,% j@=0 16 =@ 0 r*,5,% j@=0 14 =@ 0 r*,3,% j@=0 12 o* s1 j1 0 oFizz j1 10 oBuzz j1 10 oFizzBuzz j1 10
Imperfect, but acceptable. Terminates.
LET @ 99 OUT @ OUT bottles of beer on the wall, OUT @ OUT bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, RPN 1,~ OUT @ OUT bottles of beer on the wall! JJJ @!=0 1 OUT No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer! OUT Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall!
Compressed: 271 bytes.
=@ 99 o@ obottles of beer on the wall, o@ obottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, r1,~ o@ obottles of beer on the wall! j@!=0 1 oNo more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer! oGo to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall!
LET * 99 LET @ * APP bottles of beer on the wall, APP * APP bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, MMS -1 APP * APP bottles of beer on the wall! OUT @ MOV 1 JJJ @!=* 1 LET @ No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer! APP Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall! OUT @
Compressed: 279 bytes.
=* 99 =@ * a bottles of beer on the wall, a* a bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, s-1 a* a bottles of beer on the wall! o@ m1 j@!=* 1 oNo more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer! Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall!
This code outputs its first line.
FAA 19,19,0,14 OUT X
My failed 235487th attempt, outputs first line still, but strangely takes ages to terminate.
FAA 40,40,32,39 FAA 36,36,00,32 OUT <br>
This code outputs itself, but as an error, along with other errors:
error: "e" not valid shortcut @ Line 0 error: